Why Is It Important To Repair Your Windshield Before Winter Weather Arrives?

The cold air can have an impact on every part of your car, including the windshield. If your windshield is cracked or chipped, the cold air can make the situation worse. To help you understand why now is the time to fix your windshield, here is what you need to know.   What Happens to Your Windshield in the Winter? During the winter months, you are most likely using your heater to stay warm. [Read More]

A Guide To Insulated Vinyl Windows

Does it seem like your windows are not as energy efficient as they used to be? If you notice leaky air and increased heating bills, the problem could be with your aging windows. This drives many homeowners to invest in new residential windows. This is obviously a sizable home remodel project, so you want to consider the options. If you are worried about installing the most energy efficient option, you should definitely consider insulated vinyl windows. [Read More]

Factors That Affect The Cost Of Shower Enclosure Upgrades

If you're thinking of upgrading your shower enclosure, note that there are many things that go into a successful installation. Here are some of the factors that will affect your overall costs for this renovation.  Amount of Glass Needed This first thing to consider is the amount of glass that will be needed. This will depend both on the size of the shower enclosure and the number of sides you hope to enclose. [Read More]

Signs That It's Time For A Windshield Replacement

The silver lining to sustaining damage to your vehicle's windshield is that you can often have it repaired, provided that the damage is small enough. Many auto glass shops will not only provide the alternative of repairing the glass during a short appointment, but some businesses even have mobile repair trucks that can meet you where your vehicle is parked and get the job done at your convenience. If you don't schedule a repair visit in a timely manner, however, you'll often have to opt for a windshield replacement. [Read More]